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Home » Industries We Focus » Telecom
Telecom industry is dynamic, fast growing and is at the heart of global communications. As the telecom industry is expanding its horizons, it is also generating new jobs much faster than companies can recruit for them.

We work with companies and professionals from the Telecom sector and have developed teams of experienced recruitment consultants who solely focus on specific markets, staff functions, levels of appointments and types of recruitment. Our expert teams recruit professionals for the telecoms sector and ensure that everyone in the value chain must be capable of original thought and able to move quickly with the strides of the industry.

We focus on the following positions for basic service providers, Mobile service providers, ISP, TSPs for voice and data communication:
Network Planning Engg
Switch Engineers
Operations Managers
Marketing Heads & Managers
Regional Deployment Managers
IT Professionals
Admin Professionals
Customer Service Professionals
Network Installation and Administration
RF installation and Admin Engg
QA Managers
Sales Head
Channel Managers
Business Analyst
Revenue Managers
Finance and Accounts Professionals
  Many other positions across all levels.
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